I’m a columnist based in Brisbane trying to be brutally honest when sharing my parenting highs and lows to help all mums and dads feel less alone.

Secrets to Ageing Well: Part 1

Secrets to Ageing Well: Part 1

Okay so the title is misleading, as I'm in my twenties and therefore not entirely an authority on ageing yet but I do love discovering new life hacks (thanks Tim Ferriss) and think I have accidentally picked up a few ageing well tips after spending so much time with my grandparents.

The first one is:


It doesn't matter if "you're not a writer". If you have thoughts of any kind in your head you can put them into written words on paper (or on screen). That's what my Granny does and this week she posted me a letter containing short story she'd written just last year (at 94 years of age, people!) when she met an interesting man in a café. Nothing dramatic happened, it was just a beginning, middle and end short story of two people exchanging life experiences. And it was really interesting! She's also slowly (because as she admits, she types only with one finger) writing her memoirs - at 95 years of age now. And my Nana in Australia types all her favourite recipes, their stories and tips into Google Drive for us to enjoy (it's such a treasure trove, I'm writing a cookbook featuring the best ones).

So I figure writing is like any muscle, the more you work it the stronger it gets. And your mind is an important muscle for ageing. 

I like scrawling my thoughts in the Day One journal because it's private and easy to just flick open on your phone when you have even just 30 seconds to jot down a thought. It actually becomes an interesting read down the track - seeing what you were thinking and seeing at that point in time.

Do you have a secret to ageing well?

Eat Like the French Do

Eat Like the French Do

Tip #403

Tip #403