Annabelle Chapple | Writer

I’m a columnist based in Brisbane trying to be brutally honest when sharing my parenting highs and lows to help all mums and dads feel less alone.

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A Short Quote

A Short Quote

I love this quote; it's concise, honest and was one of the first I noted down as my quarter-life crisis kicked into gear.

It's now been five months since I quit my job, deciding to end my career in the fast-paced industry of television news because, quite simply, I was burnt out.

This time off has been the gap year I never had, to get back to the person I was before I entered a newsroom. And ironically I've never read so much! I've been devouring books of all topics, hungry to learn more. In my pursuit of knowledge I have also unintentionally created a handheld-inspirational-encyclopedia in my iPhone Notes, where I've been writing down any quote that resonates.

The short phrases have helped in the tough times, too...

Would love to hear your modern mantras!

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9 Podcasts that Will Change Your Life