I’m a columnist based in Brisbane trying to be brutally honest when sharing my parenting highs and lows to help all mums and dads feel less alone.

Oh Édouard!

Oh Édouard!

If Édouard de Pomiane was still alive he'd be a television cooking show star. I'm sure of this because of the way he writes his cookbooks; with directness, in great detail and with humour and because well, seriously, look at him - that moustache!

I've only recently wizened up to the literary offerings of this dietician / professor, after coming across a rare edition of his english translated "Cooking with Pomiane" a fortnight ago (I was sick and scouring my local second hand book store for something to distract me from in-bed-all-week melancholy, there's only so much Netflix one can watch back-to-back!)

In just a few chapters I've learnt so many interesting cooking facts, ie: hard boiled eggs omit that sulphuric smell only when boiled longer than 12 minutes because there's a chemical change in the yolk - so to avoid smelly embarrassment when breaking one open in public don't leave it on the boil so long.

While I haven't finished the book yet I've skimmed it and believe this page on "Drinks" sums up his writing voice perfectly.

Chameleon Recipe: One Biscuit, or Four?

Chameleon Recipe: One Biscuit, or Four?

Tip #1083

Tip #1083