I’m a columnist based in Brisbane trying to be brutally honest when sharing my parenting highs and lows to help all mums and dads feel less alone.

Weekend Walkabout

Weekend Walkabout

Sri Lanka Annabelle Chapple

Happy weekend!...almost. Pete and I are both wishing ourselves back to our Sri Lankan honeymoon. The people, the feasts (pictured above), the waves! It was paradise. In a small reprieve we're hoping to head up the coast to surf at least one of the days this weekend. I'm loving this Queensland winter weather: clear blue skies, piercing sun and only a slight chill (today it got past 25 degrees!). Here are a few funnies from around the web - plus a few recipes - that have grabbed my attention this week:

Passionfruit Shortbread Creams: A Recipe

Passionfruit Shortbread Creams: A Recipe

Feed the Beast

Feed the Beast